Posted on February 26, 2016 by Jenn Thurston | 1 comment
Recently our quilt guild (Charlotte Modern Quilt Guild) took on the challenge of making an impromptu quilt for the Modern Quilt Guild Charity for Quilt Con. What a challenge it was for all of us "traditional" modern quilters (if that's not a contradiction in itself). You can find more about it at the Modern Quilt Guild's blog.
We decided the best way to conquer the task would be dividing into groups of four and each group would come up with a section of the quilt. The charlotte modern quilt board members had a meeting before the idea was rolled out, and all the powerful brains came up with a fantastic theme, "Postcard from North Carolina".
It was a brilliant idea, as each group was assigned a different theme from North Carolina, such as the state flower above (the Dogwood).
Here is a recreational block, cycling. For never doing an improv piece, everyone did a fantastic job!
Welcome to North Carolina, the home of racing! How cool is that checkered flag?!
Then we have the Carolina Panthers and the Charlotte Hornets, as well as beaches and mountains. We have such a beautiful state and I truly enjoy living here (I'm a Minnesota transplant, brrr!)
Here's our Charlotte city landscape, if you live in Charlotte then you'll probably recognize the Wachovia Tower. It's the building with the red, and when the Panthers score a goal during a home game the building flashes carolina blue!
We have so many beautiful beaches and light houses, this block is so pretty!
Mountains, how clever was inserting the deer?!
We chose a more modern quilt design, something that wouldn't take away from all the hard work that everyone put into their piecing!
Fabric: Mix of the challenge colors
Pattern: Improv, Postcards from North Carolina
Size: Approximately 72" x 88"
Quilting Design: Retro Graphics #2
Want us to longarm a quilt for you? Here are just some of the quilts we have longarmed, and we have an easy estimate form to give you an idea on pricing.
Posted in Charity Quilt, Charlotte Modern Quilt Guild, CMQG
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February 27, 2016
Great job