Posted on August 11, 2012 by Jenn Thurston | 0 comments
Have you seen Kate Spain's new Christmas line Joy?? It has a sweet panel, that is actually a pretty good size measuring 36" x width of fabric. I just added on an outside border of 4" and it made a nice size throw. The "inner border" is actually part of the panel, making it even less work to only have to add one border!
These are a few of my favorite blocks in the panel.
I quilted it with an all over Christmas light design. This is probably the earliest I have ever finished a Christmas project!
I also made this adorable cinch bag. A very quick project that would be a perfect hostess gift filled with some goodies! I may have to remember that when in 5 months we start going to Christmas parties... yep, I said it, Christmas is 5 MONTHS away!!
Posted in cinch bag, joy, kate spain, longarm, moda, panel, quilt