Posted on January 31, 2013 by Jenn Thurston | 0 comments
This is the third quilt I have made with the disappearing four patch pattern. I love this pattern; quick, easy and takes a handful of 10" x 10" squares (I used 12 colored and 12 white to make this nice toddler bed size).
I made this quilt for my neighbor who is having her second child, which they are naming Miles!
Bungle Jungle was the perfect line for baby Miles, his room has the most vibrant green walls! I know the blues, greens and grey's in this line will compliment his room perfectly.
I bought this cute Hippo embroidery design from Urban Threads, I put him smack on the back of the quilt so it wasn't so plain. Now, no matter which side they have showing will be cute!
I'm going to try to break my habit of using the disappearing four patch, time to try some other patterns... maybe...
Posted in baby gift, baby quilt, Bungle Jungle, disappearing four patch, moda, Tim and Beck
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