Posted on May 20, 2016 by Jenn Thurston | 0 comments
The next UFO on my list is called Postcards from Sweden. I went to Quilt Market last year in Minneapolis and stayed with a good friend I grew up with. So to thank her for her hospitality, I of course am going to make her a quilt. So while this is not a very old UFO, it is an important one I would like to see completed quickly!
If you're new here, UFO Fridays are where you carve out 15 minutes of your day to work on a UFO (Unfinished Object), with the objective of finishing it up! I work on the same UFO every Friday until it's finished. So far I have completed three UFO's, although two aren't quilted so technically I guess that isn't completely accurate.
I started on this project when I was at a sewing retreat a few weeks ago, this is how far I got... only three rows. Although, I was pleased with my progress because I had started it the night before we left only giving me a few hours to work on it.
I worked on it today, probably for about 30 minutes. I got two rows completely done and sewed onto the quilt. There are so. many. triangles... gosh. I do love how it's turning out though!
I did mess up on either picking out the triangles or placement of the them according to the pattern... but I'll never tell you where they are and you'll never figure it out! Muahaha... Well, until next week when I hope to show you more progress!
Don't forget, you can join in on the fun! Post your photos on Instagram or on our Facebook page, use hashtag #UFOFridays
Project details:
Pattern: Postcards from Sweden by Jeli Quilts
Fabric: Kona Cottons
Status: 5 of 15 rows completed!
Posted in Postcards from Sweden
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