Posted on April 17, 2011 by Jenn Thurston | 1 comment
Alot of quilts are made for family members, and this one is no different. Ok, well, maybe the difference here is that this is a 4+ month overdue Christmas present for Tylor (David's nephew).
The bright colors of the four-patch snowball matched with the Moda Bella Solid black makes this a 'stand-out' quilt - perfect for when Tylor needs to warm up, or evade the impending invasion!
(Psst.....more pictures to come of it quilted - very cool design...check back!)
Posted in alien invasion, quilt
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August 24, 2012
I love love love this quilt! I’ve seen a lot of scrappy qutlis that I didn’t like at all because they just looked too chaotic or too shockingly bright or to dull or whatever. I would love to know if there was some plan behind how you managed to achieve this perfect balance of colors or if it’s just that all the fabrics you happen to love look so great when you put them together!